LED flood lights are high-intensity lighting solutions typically installed outdoors. They are more energy-efficient, long-lasting, and cost-effective than other alternatives, providing reliable and robust illumination. While LED floodlights are guaranteed to last for years, maintenance is necessary to ensure their longevity and performance.

What do you need to do?

Why is Maintenance Crucial?

No matter how low-maintenance a lighting fixture is, it still requires some care. This will ensure that the fitting remains in tip-top shape and supplies sufficient luminance for efficiency, functionality, and visual appeal.

What happens if you never check on your fixtures? Some potential issues you may deal with are shorter lifespan, reduced efficiency, and dimming. While indoor lights may suffer less from dust and dirt, outdoor fixtures are significantly affected. If you don’t clean the fitting at least monthly, the build-up may be too much, and the illumination may not be delivered effectively.

Basic Maintenance Tips for LED Flood Lights

How should you take care of your LED flood lights? Where do you even begin?

Regular Cleaning of Fixtures

The most common method of maintaining your flood lights is cleaning. It’s relatively simple: grab a clean, soft cloth and some water. Then, wipe the fixture until it’s spotless!

Ensure that you wipe the front part where the light comes through. That way, the luminance will not have any issue travelling to the surface you need it! Regarding frequency, you can clean the fixture at least once a month.

Checking and Replacing Any Damaged Components

While cleaning your flood light, it’s also best to examine it. Check the wiring and components for damage. If you see an issue, address it immediately. That way, any potential problems will not escalate, and you can preserve your lights.

exterior with LED flood light

Ensuring Proper Ventilation and Cooling

LED flood lights, or any lighting fixture, require excellent ventilation and cooling. Why? If they overheat, their parts will be affected, reducing performance and longevity. Yes, LED flood lights don’t get as hot as non-LED flood lights, but you still need to mount them in a well-ventilated area.

Optimising Usage for Longevity

Did you know that your usage can affect the lifespan of your LED flood lights? What do you need to know to ensure that it lasts through its expected long lifespan?

Since flood lights are outside your home, it’s not unusual to accidentally leave them on. However, doing so will hasten consuming its lifespan. The best way to deter this is by using timers and motion sensors!

While there are LED flood lights with built-in motion sensors and timers, you can also add them separately. These devices can prevent the unwanted use of light. Since there’s a prescribed time or moment when the fixture works, you’ll never have to overuse them!

Also, motion sensor flood lights can double as a security feature in your backyard. You’ll immediately be alerted whenever there’s movement, or the trespasser will be startled when the light switches on and leave!

When to Call a Professional?

While LED flood lights are DIY-friendly to install and effortless to maintain, there are situations where a professional needs to take over. When do you need to call them?

You’ve already checked the connections and examined the components, but the flood light still malfunctions. That’s an excellent example of a scenario where you must call your electrician. There may be a more technical issue that only their specific skills and years of experience can address. With a professional, they can quickly assess and solve the problem.

Maintenance is also another reason to call a professional. While you can do it, having your flood lights cleaned by an expert can give you more peace of mind and ensure that your lights are taken care of correctly.

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You must ensure that your LED flood lights are adequately maintained. Clean them regularly, check and replace damaged components and keep them well-ventilated. For more technical issues, call a professional!

If you are in the market for new LED flood lights that are guaranteed to be top-quality, visit our website, Simple Lighting! We have a broad selection of indoor, outdoor, and commercial lighting solutions!


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